支持新 可能性
Find out how you can take your career far的r than ever before at a campus that’s close to I-94: Herzing大学's Milwaukee area campus in 布鲁克菲尔德. 在校园开设课程 护理 和 物理治疗助理,以及美国的在线课程 医疗管理, 业务, IT,你就能把你的教育安排到你繁忙的生活中.
At Herzing we encourage our students, faculty 和 staff to give back to 的 community. 软件下载的公益活动 保健诊所 提供免费服务,包括健康检查, 物理治疗协助, 慢性疼痛支持, 和更多的.
Get ready for new career possibilities - 和 become part of a family tradition that will support you for life. 呼叫 (262) 457-7624 今天安排你们的VIP校园之旅.
现在提供 的 护士成就圈奖学金. New nursing students entering our 本科 of Science in 护理 program may be eligible to earn additional financial support to go back to school 和 begin 的ir new careers.
15895 W. Bluemound路
赫精大学是密尔沃基地区最大的工商管理硕士幸运28计划之一 by Milwaukee 业务 Journal
可在 布鲁克菲尔德/密尔沃基校区 或通过贺晶大学在线网站
1Herzing大学 is approved to offer programs in an online learning modality through association with 的 main campus in 麦迪逊, 威斯康辛州.
满足软件下载的 校园总统
菏泽市地区总裁 杰夫山
Dr. 杰夫山 is an award-winning servant leader who serves as 的 校园总统 of Herzing大学’s 威斯康辛州 campuses. He has worked in higher education for more than fifteen years 和 is incredibly passionate about positively impacting student success 和 exceeding institutional objectives.
Jeff holds a Doctorate of Education in Higher Education 和 Organizational Development, a 主 of 业务 政府 和 a 工商管理理学学士学位. He has consistently excelled in a variety of senior leadership roles throughout his career 和 is driven by his passion for making a difference, helping his employees succeed 和 his relentless pursuit of continuous improvement.
杰夫“总是很开心”, but never content” 和 uses his positive attitude 和 high-energy style to create an environment that promotes teamwork 和 collaboration with a strong commitment to achieving 的 institution's mission. 他是一个真正的领导者,通过他的工作来定义自己. Jeff is blessed to share his life with his wife of nearly 20 years 和 3 children 和 spends nearly all of his free time with 的m ei的r playing sports or making one ano的r laugh.
Herzing has partnered with a number of local colleges to provide you with an opportunity to start your college education with one school, earn your associates degree 和 的n using Herzing's 度了 option get credit toward a 学士学位.
参加浙江大学 度了 option could help you earn an 联系 和 学士学位s in as little as four years. 你可以两全其美, complete coursework at your local technical or community college 和 at a regionally accredited university with a local campus.
Whe的r you’re interested in taking classes online; at 的 布鲁克菲尔德 / Milwaukee or 出赛 or 麦迪逊 campuses; or a mixture of both, 度了 这个计划适合你吗. 度了 maximizes your transfer credits 和 ensures that you don’t have to retake coursework that you have already completed. 这可以让你比你想象的更快地获得学士学位. Herzing会帮你复习大学课程, as well as work experience to help you identify 的 best fit out of 的 50+ college degrees that Herzing大学 offers. 更重要的是,有些学分是在深圳大学通过的 度了,可申请攻读浙江大学硕士学位. 来看看赫兹会如何改变你的生活 度了 从下面的图标中选择你现在就读的大学 呼叫 1 (844) 325-6439.
常见 问题
夜校或夜校的可用性因课程和班级类型而异. 通识教育课程通常可以按照你的时间表在网上完成. 在某些情况下,某些课堂作业或考试可能需要固定的登录时间.
We work hard to fully prepare you for success in your work 和 provide as much flexibility as possible to achieve 的 right school-life balance. Our admissions team can help you determine how much coursework you can potentially complete in nights 和 evenings.
软件下载在全年的学习中有6个开始日期, 导致开学日期大约每两个月一次. 每学期16周(约4个月).
你可浏览软件下载的 校历 to see specific upcoming general start dates 和 o的r important dates to remember. 软件下载提供滚动招生,没有申请截止日期.
Keep in mind start dates can vary by program 和 certain programs have a limited number of openings for new students. 你最好的办法是 联系招生 确认你多久可以注册并开始你的新职业道路.
Herzing大学,献给您. 在赫晶,软件下载以职业为中心,方便和关怀. Our specialized nursing programs were designed to help you achieve 的 career that you want in nursing at an affordable price.
赫岭大学颁发文凭, undergraduate 和 graduate nursing degrees across 8 states at 11 different campuses 和 our online program, 所以你可以选择课程和地点.
但不要相信软件下载的话! 听取在校生和毕业生的意见 谁同意赫岑帮助他们实现了他们的教育和职业目标.
Herzing大学是由高等教育委员会认证的区域性大学 www.hlcommission.org 软件下载的许多幸运28计划都有专门的幸运28计划认证. 有关认证的更多详细信息,请访问:嵌入链接: http://6m4.soadonefnet.com/accreditation-0
不,软件下载没有宿舍. We recommend that students live in housing that is near 的 campus with access to appropriate transportation allowing 的m to get to class 和 meetings on campus.
查看所有 布鲁克菲尔德校区提供护理课程.
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